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The world’s favorite irrational number, known as Pi (3.141592653) has a “day” devoted to it. That’s right, each March 14th, we devoted geeks celebrate Pi Day – 3/14 – make sense? If that’s not irrational enough, then how’s this: this year on 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 a.m. we don’t just get to match the first three digits of Pi but all TEN digits. If that’s not grand enough to impress you, then consider that this is the only moment in this century when that occurs.

If that still doesn’t pique your interest, then maybe you’d rather know about the new infographic by the Insurance Information Institute (III.ORG) showing 10 irrational insurance figures and facts.

One of the III’s irrational insurance facts relates to the use of motorcycle helmets: even though the use of a helmet has been proven to be 37% effective in preventing deaths among cyclists and about 67% effective in preventing brain injuries, the use of a motorcycle helmet is not universally required in the U.S. In fact, use of a helmet by a rider is only mandated in 19 states and D.C.

You’ll find the other nine Irrational Insurance Facts and Figures just as interesting. You can find the infographic,Irrational… Any Way You Slice It – Pi Day by the Numbers” on the III.ORG website.

Motorcycle Insurance Tip

Although using a helmet when you ride your bike is by most standards a prudent decision, it might also be a cost-saving decision. As with most types of insurance, motorcycle insurance offers certain discounts and options. If you have not done so lately, you’ll want to check with your insurance agent to explore your options and assure that you are receiving any discounts available and the best rate for your circumstances, whether wearing a helmet makes a difference or not.

Tags: motorcycle insurance, helmets, motorcycle helmet

We are always glad to help with any insurance questions or needs, here at the Daniel Howley Insurance Agency in Rockville, MD.  Why not contact us to discuss your options for motorcycle insurance or perhaps to review your current policy to be sure you have the best coverage at the best rate for your circumstances.



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